Allison Kolbas, AGNP-C, AOCNP

Allison Kolbas is a nurse practitioner who specializes in oncology. She attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) for both her undergraduate nursing degree and master's degree. She has worked in oncology, both in the clinic and infusion therapy, in Alabama. She has additional experience in GYN/oncology and bone marrow and stem cell transplant.
Allison's passion has always been about providing the best education for her patients. This education may be about their disease, treatment, or what effects disease or treatment may have on their life. She believes her patients can feel more empowered by this knowledge, allowing them more opportunity to make the best decisions for their health.
Allison recently moved to the area from Alabama with her husband and pets. She enjoys hiking, reading, building Legos, and spending time with her husband, dog, and cats. She also enjoys volunteering with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. By helping with this LLS, Allison feels she can give back to her patients and their families.