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Dr. Minesh Patel - Every Day is a Special Day

Dr. Minesh PatelPiedmont Cancer Institute’s Dr. Minesh Patel was interviewed by the Newnan Times Herald for his expertise and knowledge regarding pancreatic and lung cancer. The Newnan Times Herald interviewed Pamela Smallwood in their health section recently and she described her recent discovery and treatment for lung cancer. “I had a lot of pain and pressure that started out slowly. It progressed to sharp pains in the left side of my chest,” Smallwood said. After further testing and a biopsy, she was diagnosed Smallwood with stage 3B adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer in March 2017. “I freaked out. My life flashed before my eyes,” Smallwood remembered. “You go into denial first. Then I thought of my husband, children and grandbaby and I said to myself, ‘I’m going to fight this and stay positive.” She sought out a specialist in Newnan -  Dr. Minesh Patel.

Dr. Patel indicated Ms. Smallwood’s cancer was related to genetics. However, there are other factors that increase a person’s risk for lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes and secondhand cigarette smoke exposure tops that list. “It increases a person’s risk 20-fold, compared to nonsmokers,” Patel said.  “Other risk factors include radiation exposure, alcohol, family history and environmental toxin exposure, such as asbestos, radon and metals.” According to Dr. Patel, approximately 235,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with lung cancer each year; 155,000 people die annually from the disease, making it the leading cancer-related death; Men are more afflicted with lung cancer than women, he added and Lung cancer is most commonly seen in people age 65 or older.

Ms. Smallwood underwent surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and kept a positive attitude throughout her treatment. A year and a half after her lung cancer diagnosis, Smallwood now is in remission. See the full article at:  http://times-herald.com/news/2018/11/im-going-to-fight-and-stay-positive

In December, Dr. Patel was also consulted by the Newnan Times Herald regarding pancreatic cancer facts. The Times interviewed Dan Nolder and his wife Jennifer and they spoke about the disease and how it has impacted them and the lives of many others. Dan was diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Stage 3 pancreatic cancer. Before being formally diagnosed, Dan experienced flu-like symptoms – fatigue, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

When asked about pancreatic cancer, Dr. Patel stated approximately 55,000 patients are diagnosed each year with pancreatic cancer, roughly 29,000 men and 26,000 women. It is the fourth leading cause of death for cancer patients, with almost 45,000 deaths annually. Unfortunately, only 15-20 percent of patients will end up undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy – removal of the pancreas and part of the small intestine – and the five-year survival rate for early stage disease after surgery approaches 10-30 percent. Asked by the Times if there are there ways to prevent pancreatic cancer, Dr. Patel indicated that smoking is the biggest risk factor. Other ways to help prevent pancreatic cancer include maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol use, and eating a healthy diet.

Dan had surgery, multiple treatments of chemotherapy but has had his condition improve. It’s difficult, but just keeping a positive attitude can be so beneficial during treatment,” he said. Both Dan and Jennifer agree that monitoring one’s health is essential, regardless of the diagnosis.   See the entire article at:  http://times-herald.com/news/2018/11/pancreatic-cancer-fourth-leading-cause-of-cancer-deaths-annually

Dr. Minesh D. Patel is from Montgomery, AL. He graduated summa cum laude at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), where he was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma Honor Society, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Alpha Epilson Delta, and was a Truman Scholar finalist.

Dr. Patel currently sees patients in Newnan. To make an appointment with Dr. Patel please call: Piedmont Cancer Institute- Newnan at 770-251-2590.

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